Recovering from COVID-19 – Retail Roundtables

18aug2:00 pm3:00 pmRecovering from COVID-19 – Retail Roundtables

Event Details

Calling retail store owners/managers in Ottawa, Brockville, Cornwall & Kingston to join our recovery roundtables & solve re-open challenges

About this Event
The Ontario Government’s Stage 3 re-opening announcement is allowing nearly all businesses and public spaces to open. But are shoppers returning to your stores?

Are you a retail store owner in Ottawa, Brockville, Cornwall, or Kingston Region struggling with how to:

-Regain customer confidence and get them to start shopping in your store again
-Ensure staffing level while workers are juggling family obligations and maintaining CERB subsidies
-Increase sales, manage costs and close the revenue gaps
-Pivot to create a new sustainable and profitable business model?

If these or other challenges are keeping you up at night, you are not alone. Sign up to join other retail owners who are experiencing similar challenges; maybe someone has proven solutions to share!

Sessions run weekly on Tuesday afternoons, pick any date that works for you to register.

Please note that ONLY RETAIL OWNERS AND MANAGERS WITH A PHYSICAL STORE are eligible for these sessions.

You will receive a calendar invitation with your custom login if your registration has been accepted.

Why Attend?

This exclusive virtual forum is your opportunity to come together with fellow retail store owners and managers in a small, confidential and intimate setting to:

-Share challenges and learn that you are not alone in your struggles
-Learn ideas and solutions from your peers that you can adapt and implement in your business
-Find your community; build new relationships while offering and receiving support from other owners
-Help shape the Digital Main Street Future-Proofing Program in Eastern Ontario, let us know how we can best support you


The DMS Program is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Canada and FedDev Ontario through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund. Invest Ottawa extends sincere thanks to these critical investors for their generous support of main street businesses in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario.



August 18, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST(GMT+00:00)