ENCQOR has built a 5G wireless testbed at the 3 innovation hubs, Communitech Data Hub, MaRS and Invest Ottawa, to enable small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to get early access to a state-of-the-art, pre-commercial 5G development platform for prototyping new products and services.
Join us on May 6 from 9:00 to 11:00 am for an Introduction to the 5G ENCQOR Program and iPaaS Testbed at Invest Ottawa offices, located at 7 Bayview Station Rd, Ottawa ON.
SMEs accessing the ENCQOR 5G iPaaS pre-commercial testbed to build their products and services will be among the first to scale and commercialize 5G-enabled solutions, giving them a considerable first-to-market advantage in the global economy.
The platform supports enhanced mobile broadband, low latency for mission-critical machine-type communication and massive machine-type communications for the Internet of things (IoT).
Eligible SMEs will also have access to innovation hub business growth coaching and mentorship opportunities.
Kyle White, Program Manager, Ericsson (ENCQOR 5G)
George Berchan, System Network Integration, Ciena (ENCQOR 5G)
Chris Ritchie, Manager, Business Development & Commercialization, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
Rafal Lawrukiewicz, Director, Product and Delivery, Dialogic
Bojan Subasic, Transportation Technical Lead, Thales (ENCQOR 5G)
Following the session, there will be an opportunity for 1:1 meetings with program representatives and a tour of the testbed.
ENCQOR is a partnership made possible in part by funding from the Government of Canada and the governments of Ontario and Québec.