Buildupwomen Series is collaborating with the Canadian Center for Women’s Empowerment for the next series.
Join the conversation on Thursday, October 1st at 1:30pmEST to take a deep dive and have a raw conversation about Economic Abuse, hardships, resilience, and next steps towards ACTION FOR CHANGE.
I will be joined by incredible thought leaders and advocates from the Not for profit, Support services space.
Who are the speakers joining this conversation?
Lieran Docherty – Manager of Programs, Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT)
Paola Jani-Morgan – Manager, Equity Promotion Programs at METRAC
Niha Shahzad – Board of Director, Policy and Research Lead at Candian Centre for Women’s Empowerment
Valentina Cardona -Counsellor at Interval House Ottawa
Erin Whitmore -Executive Director at Ending Violence Association of Canada