An IP Strategy for Canada and Your Company
The IEEE Ottawa CS Chapter, IEEE Ottawa ComSoc/CESoc/BTS Joint Chapter, IEEE Ottawa TMC, PCS, and SSIT Joint Chapter, and IEEE Ottawa AICN are inviting all interested IEEE members and other engineers, technologists, and students to another Lunch and Learn in the heart of the Kanata Tech Hub.
SEMINAR: An IP Strategy for Canada and Your Company
SPEAKER: Jeff Leuschner (Patent Agent, Smart & Biggar)
DATE: October 2, 2018
TIME: Refreshments, Lite Lunch, and Networking: 11:30 a.m.; Seminar: 12:00 p.m. – 01:00 p.m.
PLACE: The Marshes Golf Club, 320 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata
PARKING: Free parking available.
ADMISSION: Open to all, free of charge. Registration is required.
Does Canada have an innovation problem? What is the right approach for the intellectual property (IP) of a Canadian company in the software/computer space? Where does IP fit in an anti-IP hacker culture? The objective could be freedom to innovate, i.e. build something great without being shut out by other market players. The objective could be to secure commercial exclusivity. In any case, the IP generated by your company needs to be handled in a way that furthers the business objectives. Join Jeff Leuschner, of Smart & Biggar, to learn about the above, and to learn about how different innovations in the software/computer space can be matched to different IP rights to best further your company’s business objectives.
Jeff Leuschner has practiced in the area of Intellectual Property (IP) for over a decade, with an emphasis on patents. When working with tech companies, Jeff advises on where to focus patenting activity to best support the company’s business objectives, especially in view of other options such as trade secret protection and defensive publication. His approach is quality over quantity. Not just a well drafted patent, but one that will actually have commercial relevance. Prior to entering the IP profession, Jeff pursued graduate studies in the field of electrical and computer engineering.
Smart & Biggar helps the world’s leading tech companies protect and leverage their IP, and advises them on how to use IP Strategy to secure growth around the world. Headquartered in Ottawa with a national presence, Smart & Biggar has a consistent track record and reputation as the leaders for IP and tech law in Canada.
THANK YOU TO OUR PATRONS for making this event possible:
Robotics Centre
Kanata North BIA
Invest Ottawa
Smart & Biggar
Carleton University, Faculty of Engineering and Design
The Marshes Golf Club
Eric Karmouch, Ph.D., SMIEEE
Chair, IEEE Ottawa Computer Society
Chair, IEEE Ottawa Lunch and Learn