You are invited to Ottawa Civic Tech’s weekly “hacknights”, held every Tuesday evening from 6:00-8:30pm. Free and open to all, hacknights bring together people from all walks of life to connect, learn, share, and collaborate.
You do not need to be a “techie” to attend – everyone is welcome to participate and contribute to building civic good through technology, data, design, policy, advocacy & citizen engagement. Join us!
The first Tuesday of the month always features a guest speaker. Other weeks may also feature a guest speaker, but is primarily meant to provide dedicated time and space for the community to make progress on their projects.
Our guest speaker this week: Alex Benay
Alex Benay was appointed the Chief Information Officer of the Government of Canada, effective April 3, 2017.
Prior to this appointment, Alex was the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation since July 2014.
From 2011 to 2014, Alex was Vice-President of Government Affairs and Business Development at OpenText. He has played a leadership role in Canada’s digital industry, as well as in promoting the global shift to digital in organizations such as the G20, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Olympics. Before joining OpenText, Alex managed various teams and programs at the Canadian International Development Agency, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and Library and Archives Canada.
Alex has a B.A. in History from the University of Ottawa and a master’s degree in History.