This workshop delves into how you operationalize your logic model through the development, assessment and prioritization of performance indicators. All too often, performance indicators are developed based on past practice and ease of availability, rather than relevance and utility. But we know that developing good performance indicators can be challenging. The workshop focus is on both the characteristics of quality performance indicators and the process(es) that can be used for their development, as well as the other key elements of a performance measurement strategy.
This workshop can be taken as a stand alone or in conjunction with Key Results (Program Logic Models, DRFs) for Performance Measurement & Evaluation (offered on June 12) or Facilitation Skills for Performance Measurement and Evaluation (offered on June 19). All of these modules can be used as continuing education credits for Credentialed Evaluators.
Key Results (Program Logic Models, DRFs) for Performance Measurement & Evaluation
Who Should Attend
This workshop is specifically designed for those working in evaluation, performance measurement and program management in the government or not-for-profit sectors who want to better understand the core concepts and best practices of performance measurement strategy and execution.
At the end of the day you will be able to:
- Understand what is a performance indicator and how it is linked to logic models and theories of change
- Know the different types of performance indicators and the benefits of each
- Develop and prioritize indicators and their performance measurement strategy through systematic processes, and
- Understand emerging best practices and lessons learned, and where to find additional resources.
Using a case study approach and interactive exercises and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to apply the theory learned, share their own experiences with developing quality performance indicators and performance measurement strategies, as well as learn about best practices for success.
In addition, special topics of interest to the participants will be covered, such as setting targets, or using indexes.
The workshop fee includes resource materials, a certificate of completion, as well as refreshments, and lunch.
Personalized Training and Additional Information
This module can be offered in-house to clients who wish a more tailored and personalized workshop approach for staff.
For more information, please contact Leen Al-Jabeer 613-230-6424 Ext. 112 or [email protected]