Starting Your Business Validation and Information Session

There are many great ideas, but do you have a great business idea?  This session will introduce you to a tool to help you determine if your business idea is feasible and a right decision for you.  Once you understand that your idea is feasible then you need to understand the basic rules and regulations you will be required to follow.  We will discuss the basic information needed from the municipality (business licensing), the province (business structures) and the federal government (HST and Business Numbers).  Many resources will also be provided.  The session will conclude with a 30 to 45-minute question and answer period.   NOTE: This session is a combination of our regular Validating Your Business Idea, Starting Your Business Information Session and our Entrepreneur Q&A.  

Speakers: Paula Hopkins and Kyle Thomas, Invest Ottawa Business Advisors


2018-01-09 09:30:00 2018-01-09 12:00:00 America/Toronto Starting Your Business Validation and Information Session There are many great ideas, but do you have a great business idea?  This session will introduce you to a tool to help you determine if your business idea is feasible and a right decision for you.  Once you understand that your idea is feasible then you need to understand the basic rules and regulations […] 7 Bayview Road, Ottawa, ON K1Y 2C5
Details Posted in: Invest Ottawa Events Date: Tuesday Jan 09, 2018 Time: 9:30am-12:00pm Cost: Free Venue: 7 Bayview Road, Ottawa, ON K1Y 2C5