When looking to donate money or time, many people will search the internet. Those appearing at the top of the listings have the best chance of capturing donors or volunteers.
There are two ways to make it to the top of Google’s listings:
- SEO, or search engine optimization, which takes months, even years of hard work; or,
- Advertising on Google and other search engines.
Google advertising can jump you to the top of search result listings at no cost. And, it is one of the most effective types of advertising because it captures people in the moment they are searching.
Google’s Not For Profit Grant Program
As a Not for Profit you are eligible to receive up to $10,000 per month in Google advertising credits. You can use those credits to advertise your organization’s benefits on Google’s search engine.
How Google Advertising Works – Case Study
To make the top of search listings requires a basic understanding how search engine advertising works. This introductory session will show you just that. We’ll use an Ottawa area Not for Profit case study demonstrate how to use keywords, ads, bidding and more to get the most traffic from your grant dollars.
Learning Objectives
At this Session You Will Learn How To:
- Apply for the Google Grant program ($10K / month advertising credits)
- Set and make the most of your search engine advertising budget
- Get your ads to appear in the best spots without paying the highest price
- Refine your product/service keywords, PPC ads and landing pages so they boost your results
- Target the customers you’re after
David Bird is the Founder and Principal of Bird’s Eye Marketing, an Ottawa firm that specializes in getting businesses found on Google. He has been managing AdWords accounts for more than five years and is a recognized digital advertising and promotion expert.
David is certified with Google AdWords and has a Certificate of Achievement in Web Analytics from the University of British Columbia, and has completed coursework in E-Marketing with the Canadian Marketing Association.