SmartNet Sustainability Showcase & EV Exhibition
Our annual SmartNet Sustainability Showcase & EV Exhibition is now just over two weeks away! If you haven’t claimed your free tickets yet, now is the time to do so!
Our Showcase is designed as a one-stop shop for sustainability. We’ll feature an indoor exhibit with many local sustainable businesses showcasing their solutions. Step outside to see many EVs (cars, bikes, a bus, a boat, and ATVs), and even take an e-car or e-bike for a test drive! Knowledgeable EV owners will be present to answer any questions you may have, based on their lived experience with their vehicles. We’ll also have panel presentations inside and outside from 11am-3pm, featuring experts on many niches in sustainability.
Check out our website for more information about exhibitors, sponsors, and presenters! Our website will continue to be updated up until the event, so keep checking back to see your favourite sustainability folks!