3 Secrets to Creating Wealth as an Entrepreneur


mai 6


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Category:

Invest Ottawa Events

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/3-secrets-to-creating-wealth-as-an-entrepreneur-tickets-147783090201

Invest Ottawa Education Centre

Website: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/invest-ottawa-education-centre-1492863402

May 6 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

About the Webinar

Working hard on your business but don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere from a personal wealth standpoint? How many times have you rationalized bringing home a small paycheque by telling yourself that you are “reinvesting in the business”?

Entrepreneurs are often torn in many directions and think that if they just focus on getting customers and revenue, then everything will be fine. While certainly a necessary first step, customers and revenue are not a guarantee of business wealth. Not all revenue is good revenue, and not all customers are worth having!

Join Business Wealth Coach, former CFO, and fellow entrepreneur, Michelle Van Tol as she shares the secrets of creating business wealth based on more than 25 years of her experience working with entrepreneurs. Her insights and answers may surprise you!

About the Speaker: Michelle Van Tol

Michelle is a Chartered Professional Accountant as well as a certified Professional Coach. After many years as a CFO in the technology industry, Michelle began her own entrepreneurial journey in 2005 when she left the corporate world as an employee and never looked back. Since then, Michelle has had her own business working with entrepreneurs from many different industries ranging from professional services, real estate, manufacturing and distribution, and technology. As a Business Wealth Coach, Michelle helps her clients transform their business into one that meets their unique personal financial and life goals.


2021-05-06 11:00:00 2021-05-06 12:00:00 America/Toronto 3 Secrets to Creating Wealth as an Entrepreneur Join Business Wealth Coach, former CFO, and fellow entrepreneur, Michelle Van Tol as she shares the secrets of creating business wealth.