ConferenceSeries LLC Ltd is pleased to invite you to participate in the 30th World Nursing Care and Nursing practice (Nursing Care Conference 2020) during October 21-22, Singapore.
Theme:“The Future Innovation of Patient Safety and Healthcare”
Nursing is a healthcare profession that is structured and requires discipline. Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare field and thus no healthcare facility can function without their nurses. Nursing which was lowly regarded back in the days is now a highly esteemed profession in the healthcare field. Nursing is practiced based on knowledge gathered from sound research into the health science and also natural and social sciences. Nursing as a result has become a human science that focuses on the humaneness of the person and seeks to provide a patient centered care which is directed towards improving the life of a unique individual However, the individual is able to express his needs, preferences and exercise control over the care that he/she receives. This paper focuses on nursing as a human science and its relevant applications.