8th Annual Earth Day Conference on Smart City
This year, we are going to celebrate the 8th Annual Earth Day Conference on Smart City on Friday, March 22 @ 5:00 – 7:00 pm Eastern Time Zone virtually with remarkable information.
Smart Mobility for Smart Sustainable Cities
Dr. Alaa Khamis works as AI & Smart Mobility Technical Leader at General Motors Canada. He is the author of “Smart Mobility: Exploring Foundational Technologies and Wider Impacts” book. He is also a Lecturer at University of Toronto , an Adjunct Professor at Ontario Tech University and Nile University and an Affiliate Member of Center of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI) at University of Waterloo. He published 4 books, 5 book chapters, 16 technical reports and more than 130 scientific papers in refereed journals and international conferences. He also filed 14 US patents. For more information, please visit: http://www.alaakhamis.org
How Canada can Lead in the EV Revolution
Cara Clairman , President and CEO of Plug’n Drive , a non-profit that is accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles through education and outreach, to maximize the environmental and economic benefits that EVs can provide. Cara has taken Plug’n Drive from an idea to a thriving non profit, recognized as a leader in the EV space. Focused on accelerating adoption for more than 10 years, Plug’n Drive has created a number of unique programs to reach consumers, including the award-winning Electric Vehicle Discovery Centre, launched in 2017, and the Mobile EV Education Trailer (MEET), launched in 2020. Cara has more than 25 years of experience working in the environmental and sustainability fields, including 12 years working at Ontario Power Generation , initially as OPG’s environmental lawyer and later in the role Vice President of Sustainable Development. Prior to joining OPG, Cara spent five years practicing environmental law with the Torys law firm . She holds a Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall and a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University , as well as an Honours Bachelor of Science degree from Queen’s University . Cara is the 2017 recipient of the Women in Renewable Energy WiRE’s ‘Woman of the Year’ award and the 2021 winner of the Al Cormier Leadership Award from Electric Mobility Canada . She lives in two EV households, including a Chevy Blot and a Tesla Model 3. https://www.plugndrive.ca/
A Data-Driven Approach to Making Cities Safer and More Efficient
Dr. Asad Lesani, CEO and Co-founder at Bluecity, a startup company building an AI-powered real-time traffic monitoring system using Lidar technology. Asad has a PhD in Transportation Engineering from McGill University, and B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, specializing in control systems. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of intelligent transportation systems, sensor design, transportation safety and optimization. https://bluecity.ai/
Remote Sensing Data Fusion and Classification for Urban Feature Extraction
Dr. Yasmine Megahed , Lecturer and Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Ryerson University, (FEAS – Department of Civil Engineering). She is currently investigating LiDAR and imagery data integration and classification, focusing on urban morphologies. She applies machine and deep learning techniques using the Python programming language. https://www.ryerson.ca/engineering-architectural-science/
Smart Buildings and Digital Twins
Mohsen Tayefeh, Digital Twins Principal, AD2MLabs – Ontario Tech University and Director-Software Business, TSI Engineering, Ansys Canadian Partner. As an innovation and technology leader, Mohsen provides methodologies for the implementation of technologies and engineering services such as Reliability, IIOT, Design For Additive Manufacturing, Machine Learning, Vibration Condition Monitoring, MEMS, and Safety. He has accredited publications in Electromechanical Systems with a focus on realistic computational science and Digital Twin. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees, Ph.D. & Post-Doc studies in Electro-Mechanical engineering. His solid education in Technology and MBA studies along with a long history in major industries makes him an excellent visionary behind smart maintenance projects funded by private and public companies and supported by OCE/NSERC.
Triple Solar Panel Street LED Light
Ali Esmaeilbeygi , Quality Control and Technical advisor at Lumesmart Inc.. Ali has been working as an expert in a lighting laboratory for the last ten years. He mainly works with IEC, CIE, and ISO standards. He researches characteristics of lighting products in order to conform to the safety and performance of lighting products ranging from lamps and luminaries to other lighting related products. http://lumesmart.com/