Web Age Solutions will be hosting another Client appreciation event, to say thank you to our clients and to welcome new clients. Our stream leads will be offering a series of our most popular technology topics. We hope these are of value and interest and you are able to take advantage of this offering. All workshops are offering via Live Virtual Classroom.
In this session we will go through a few advanced Angular topics. This is a preview of our full 2 day offering – WA2729 Angular 6 Deep Dive Training.
1. Advanced RxJS
- Publish/subscribe using the Subject API
- forkJoin
- switchMap
- tap
- debounce
- reduce
- first, last, skipUnitl, takeUntil
- retry on HTTP error
- Create custom operators
2. Custom Directive Development
- Custom attribute directive
- Custom structural directive
3. Custom Validator Development
- Basic validator function
- Validator directive
- Async validator
For a listing of all of our workshops please visit us here: https://www.webagesolutions.com/hdc012018