Connecting in the Capital – Demystifying the Private Equity and M&A Industry”

A Conference focused on the current and future trends in the Private Equity and M&A industry in Canada’s mid-market sector. This event will provide insights on the current and future Commercial, Trade and Public/Private investment opportunities between Capital providers, Corporations, Family
Offices and Government Agencies, within Canada and the U.S.


2019-11-14 08:00:00 2019-11-14 13:30:00 America/Toronto Connecting in the Capital – Demystifying the Private Equity and M&A Industry” A Conference focused on the current and future trends in the Private Equity and M&A industry in Canada’s mid-market sector. This event will provide insights on the current and future Commercial, Trade and Public/Private investment opportunities between Capital providers, Corporations, Family Offices and Government Agencies, within Canada and the U.S. DETAILS Ottawa Marriott Hotel - Ballroom North
100 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Details Posted in: Other Events Date: Thursday Nov 14, 2019 Time: 8:00am-1:30pm Cost: $169 Website: Venue: Ottawa Marriott Hotel - Ballroom North
100 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Venue Website Organizer: ACG Toronto Phone: 416-868-1881 ext 228