This workshop is a networking-enhanced version of our Docker and Kubernetes course, given in conjunction with our friends at CENGN, that includes a half day devoted specifically to the application and differences of CNI networks (Calico, Cilium, Flannel and Weave).
CloudOps and CENGN are excited to provide two hands-on container workshops that can be taken separately or bundled together.
Day 1, June 5, 2018 – Docker
Day 2 & 3, June 6, 7, 2018 – Kubernetes
These are geared to help your team better understand the Docker, Kubernetes and application modernization ecosystems, as well as how to implement containers in to your architecture. As a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider and the leaders of the Canadian Kubernetes communities, CloudOps is in a unique position to provide insight on new features, production use cases and adoption challenges.