Who Should Attend? Any entrepreneur who needs to learn how to test their hypothesis and validate their business assumptions.
Startups and innovation initiatives are not a smaller version of an established company. Established companies execute on a known business model within a known market and have history as a guide. Fundamentally, startups and innovative entrepreneurs are dealing with the unknown. They don’t ‘know’ their market and may even be evolving their solution. They certainly have no history on which to base the predictions necessary for a ‘business plan’. It is time to look to a 21st century mindset and tools built on discovery driven entrepreneurship.
In this session, Michael Lachapelle will share thoughts on tools and processes that make up the discovery driven approach to entrepreneurship – business model canvas, customer development process, value proposition design, lean and other agile methods.
Note: There will be a one hour lunch break as well as mid morning and mid afternoon breaks. You are welcome to bring your lunch to eat in the training room if you wish, but there are no kitchen facilities available. There is a cafeteria on site.
Speaker Bio: Michael Lachapelle
Michael is the only Strategyzer (Business Model Generation / Value Proposition Design) certified trainer and coach in Canada, and one of twenty-nine worldwide. With more than 15 years experience in business design, enterprise business analysis, strategic management and product & service innovation, Michael has worked with clients in many sectors: private (e.g. FedEx, Raytheon Canada, Davis & Henderson), government (Canadian Federal), not-for-profits (e.g. World Bank Institute, California Lotteries, Red Cross Canada).