We can’t go anywhere but we can still connect with each other. Join us for the next Mixing Babies And Business™ Remote Work (Virtual) Retreat for Parents.
???? 3 x Mini Trainings covering Remote Work with Kids (Mar 16-18)
????1 x Live Retreat + Coworking Session (Mar 19)
???? 1 x Digital Care Package (Mar 20)
Invest in (and look after) yourself alongside your kids, while making new connections.
✔Meet other parents.
✔Do something for yourself.
✔Join our movement.
✔Bring your kids…or not – do what’s best for you.
Feeling lonely but never actually alone?
• Welcoming founders, freelancers and remote workers who are also parents of school or pre-school aged kids (moms, dads, parents-to-be!)
• You may be setting out to build a startup, launch a small business, freelancing or simply looking to meet other like-minded parents interested in making progress on their business goals
Show up as you are.
• This retreat is parent and child-friendly (dress code not in effect, bring snacks)
• RSVP for free to access the mini trainings via your mobile or desktop device (watch alongside your kids or solo)
Watch on demand.
• The live retreat session and virtual coworking will be recorded (carve out 30-45 minutes for yourself if you’re able to)
• Access all replays for one week (after which you can purchase them as part of my Remote Work With Kids Digital Bundle)
At the link in this event or here:
Hope you can join us in March! ????
Amy Lynch, Founder of Mixing Babies And Business™
I’ve done remote work since 2014 and brought my kids into business settings since 2016 and would love to help you out. My work has been named one of Canada’s Top 100 Recovery Projects in 2020 by Future of Good: http://mixingbabiesandbusiness.com/
Special thanks to Bayview Yards for the digital sponsorship to help with online event hosting, to keep the community connected in 2021.
“Appreciated the interaction, networking tips, simplicity of the presentation. Love the concept and hope to attend future events.”
“Wish there was time for more! Good amount of info in short time. Thank you, would love to see more opportunities like this.”
“FUN!” (from one of the children in attendance)
“Love the interactive and engaging activities.”
“I really enjoyed it and it was nice to meet parents in the same boat as me.”
“Great event today! Wow! Speakers were great! I think you bring to light a very important perspective. Especially in these times.”
“I like your block scheduling chart! I’m doing block scheduling in longer chunks now. I’m excited for you and where you are going!”
Register to reserve your space (each ticket is valid for one household to attend the live online session). You’ll receive your video trainings in the days leading up to the retreat via email. Please ensure you add me to your ‘safe sender’ list: contact[at]amymaureenlynch.com
Details of the online meeting room will be sent to you 12 hours and again 15 minutes prior to the event start time and you’ll need to download the Zoom app and install it on your desktop computer, tablet or mobile device: https://zoom.us/download
The live event will be recorded and you’ll also receive access to a video replay within 72 hours of the event finish time for up to one week afterwards.
If you’d prefer not to be recorded, please mute your audio and turn off your video upon joining the online event.
I believe parenthood and professional development don’t have to be mutually exclusive. As a social impact movement, I’m focused on producing parent-friendly professional development, digital resources and more inclusive and flexible work solutions for primary caregivers.
Since 2018, parents like you–and their children–have been attending my events, reading my newsletters and showing up because they believe the future of work includes making space for them, alongside their families.
Can’t make it but still want to stay in the loop!?!
I get it, life happens. For more parent-friendly business events, experiences, inspiration and resources:
• Connect through the newsletter: https://mixingbabiesandbusiness.com/newsletter/
• Tune into the podcast: https://mixingbabiesandbusiness.com/podcast
Join our movement. Bring your kids.