We cordially invite you to join us on March 23, 2017 starting at 8:30 a.m. in the amphitheater at La Cité (E Building, room E1070) to learn more about the current status, hopes and challenges facing the deployment of personalized medicine.
We currently stand at the threshold of a revolution in health care. Remarkable advances in genome sequencing and diagnostic Lab-on-a-chip technologies are rapidly shifting the practice of “traditional” medicine towards a more “individualized” approach that takes into account the molecular signatures of the patients, microbial pathogens or diseased cells/tissues. Today, gene signatures can be used to detect cancer cells at very early stages and to design highly selective drugs that spare normal tissue. The genetics of drug-metabolizing enzymes also guides the rational choice of drugs and dosage such that treatments can be tailored to reduce side effects and increase efficacy. Finally, predicting the likelihood of disease from sporadic or inherited gene variation is increasingly incorporated into health care management. How far along are we in adopting personalized medicine, what can be accomplished in the near future and what are the most important challenges to its implementation?
The symposium will feature plenary sessions with guest speakers in the morning and in the afternoon. Finally, professors and students from the Bachelor of Biotechnology program will present La Cité’s current research projects.
We look forward to seeing you there!
- Dr Daniel Sinnet (U de Montréal ; Cancers pédiatriques à l’ère génomique)
- Dr Sam Dougaparsad (Affymetrix ; Pharmacogénomique et choix de médicament personnalisé)
- Dr Dennis Bulman (U Ottawa – CHEO; Newborn Screening in the Genomic Era – New Horizons)
- Steffany Grondin (U de Montréal ; Programme de Conseil génétique ; Perceptions et attentes des parents sur le rôle du test génétique)
- Dr Juthaporn Cowan (U Ottawa ; Stratégies personnalisées pour les immunothérapies)
- Dr Chris Harder (Spartan Bioscience Inc. ; Identification rapide de pathogènes cliniques)
Visit here for more information: https://www.facebook.com/symposiumbiotechnologielacite/