The Future of Work

Hack for a cause!

The latest research on The Future of Work indicates that almost half of current workforce activities have the potential to be automated with today’s robotics and artificial intelligence technologies. Activities most susceptible to automation involve physical activities in highly structured and predictable environments, as well as the collection and processing of data.

The most automatable jobs in industries such as accommodation and food services, manufacturing and retail trade are those occupied by some of the most vulnerable in our communities including migrant workers, youth, low-income households and the aging.

The Future of Work is a fall 2017 hackathon programme featuring meetups, big, bold idea sessions and a capstone weekend-long hackathon on October 13-15 in Ottawa. It’s an opportunity to apply your creativity, coding, design, and data visualization skills to do good for your community.

We’re hacking The Future of Work to:

1) Identify, monitor and forecast the forces that are driving workforce changes, which workers will be impacted and how; and

2) Develop tech-based solutions to help the most at-risk and vulnerable workers in our community through these transitions (up-skilling, re-skilling, entrepreneurship etc.)

Join us

The hackathon will bring together 15 teams consisting of 4 technologists and subject matter experts (60 people in total).

Up to three teams with the most promising prototypes will be selected to present at a formal meeting of The Trilateral Commission, a non-governmental policy forum, on November 4 at the Chateau Laurier.

As part of this hackathon you will:

Gain an understanding of challenges and opportunities relating to the future of work in a rapidly changing, technologically advancing world;

Have the opportunity to forecast and disrupt these challenges with your ideas and skills;

Be challenged to think critically as you build something new and helpful;

Meet, learn from and be inspired by creative, collaborative and caring folks like yourself.

2017-10-13 18:00:00 2017-10-15 15:00:00 America/Toronto The Future of Work Hack for a cause! The latest research on The Future of Work indicates that almost half of current workforce activities have the potential to be automated with today’s robotics and artificial intelligence technologies. Activities most susceptible to automation involve physical activities in highly structured and predictable environments, as well as the collection and processing of […] Impact Hub Ottawa, 123 Slater St. 6th floor
Details Posted in: Other Events Date: Friday Oct 13, 2017, Sunday Oct 15, 2017 Time: 6:00pm-3:00pm Cost: $10 Website: Venue: Impact Hub Ottawa, 123 Slater St. 6th floor Venue Website Organizer: Datafest Ottawa Phone: 6133019098