Understanding E-mail
(Everything you need to know – and some things you don’t!)
In this half-day workshop, members of the Ottawa PC Users’ group will explain the basics of how electronic mail works, and the differences between using webmail and e-mail clients. The features of POP and IMAP mail systems, and their suitability in a multiple device environment, will be discussed. Moreover, today’s e-mail systems are constantly under threat from hackers, so we will take a look at some vulnerabilities and see how best to protect personal mail systems. We will see how managing e-mail can be achieved efficiently – and automatically – using a combination of folders and filters. The basic processes for moving between webmail and e-mail clients and the transfer of address books and messages will be outlined. And, for those who wish to have the personal touch for their mail system – or who don’t want to be locked in to a specific service provider – we will see how to create and use portable e-mail addresses.
The workshop will be delivered in two separate talks separated by light snacks and refreshments. Registrants will also have a chance to win one of several door prizes. A great value at $10. For further information or registration, please visit the Ottawa PC Users’ website at http://opcug.ca or register online at: http://opcug.ca/public/workshops/email_2017/index.htm
Saturday, April 29th, 2017
Carlingwood Branch Ottawa Public Library
12:30 – 16:30