UX-PM Certification: Level 2 – Executing UX


Do you need to know how to manage UX activities in a digital product? How to meet business objectives and market demands through user centered design?

UX level 2 certification is for digital product owners, marketing, project managers and any professional, who want to establish a deeper understanding of UX activities and how to incorporate them from the project management and execution perspective, in order to improve the quality of the deliverable/product/service.


Understand how to incorporate principles of User-Centered design in the project lifecycle to optimize the quality and effectiveness of a product or service
Learn to plan, coordinate and implement UX activities at each project phase: from initial vision to implementation
Involve stakeholders to align the UX vision
Mix various user research & testing methods into the design cycle, before, during, and after delivery
Choose the right methods, the right sample and supervise interviews and tests (exploratory research, ethnography, usability test, card sorting, A-B test …)
Optimize the user research process in an Agile development cycle


UX Level 1 certified practitioner or IT decision-makers including product owners, account managers, project managers, digital marketing managers and any professional with 2 to 4 years of experience managing a technology-based product or service.


Follow every step of the User-Centered Design lifecycle progress, from the vision, to the planning of the design process
The relation between UCD and Service Design
Analysis of people involved in the project and preparation of interviews with decision-makers and customers
Examples of qualitative & quantitative research techniques to discover user needs, as well as user profiles, sample, recruitment and logistics, user research activities, preparation, execution, analyse and deliverables
Quick methods to move from business objectives and vision definition to a UX strategy (value proposition Design)
Design requirements based on UX strategy
Evaluating and testing design solutions, locally and internationally (desktop and mobile solutions I face-to-face, remote, automated)
Implementation: collaboration between the UX team and the development team
Immersion and practical application: the training includes a progressing case study with discussion and role-playing to sharpen your skills in managing UX activities


Online Certification Exam at the end of day 2

2019-10-07 09:00:00 2019-10-08 17:00:00 America/Toronto UX-PM Certification: Level 2 – Executing UX TICKETS Do you need to know how to manage UX activities in a digital product? How to meet business objectives and market demands through user centered design? UX level 2 certification is for digital product owners, marketing, project managers and any professional, who want to establish a deeper understanding of UX activities and how to […] Impact Hub Ottawa
123 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G4
Details Posted in: Other Events Date: Monday Oct 07, 2019, Tuesday Oct 08, 2019 Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Cost: $1960 Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ux-certification-level-2-executing-ux-tickets-65276951118?aff=ebapi Venue: Impact Hub Ottawa
123 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G4
Venue Website Organizer: Usable Training