Author Archives: Lindsay Kavanagh

Jul 2, 2024

July 2, 2024 – Ottawa, ON – Invest Ottawa is thrilled to announce its next graduate from the IO Accelerator, Virica Biotech. The program is designed to use a phased and milestone-based approach to help entrepreneurs grow and scale on their Venture Path. Virica Biotech, a leading innovator in viral enhancement solutions for the biopharmaceutical industry, is the 11th successful graduate from the flagship program. 

This milestone comes on the heels of significant achievements in the company’s growth trajectory, including a substantial increase in revenue, the creation of numerous high-quality jobs, and the securing of critical funding to support ongoing research and development. 

“We are thrilled to graduate from the IO Accelerator program and are incredibly proud of the progress we’ve made,” said Dr. Jean-Simon Diallo, CEO, Virica Biotech. “Our increased revenue, job creation, and success at raising capital are testaments to the hard work and dedication of our team. We are grateful for the support and resources provided by Invest Ottawa, which have been instrumental in achieving these milestones.” 

Virica Biotech was founded in 2018 and joined the IO Accelerator program in 2019. Working to realize the promise of viral medicines, Virica has pioneered Viral Sensitizers (VSE™) that remove the barriers to manufacturing effective viral medicines at scale, optimize research processes, enhance production and can bring treatments to patients more efficiently. Over the course of its participation in the program, Virica Biotech has expanded its team from three full time employees (FTEs) to more than 30 jobs in the Ottawa region. These positions span a range of specialties, including the additions of key leaders such as Beth Thompson Webb, Chief Commercial Officer, JonDavid De Jong, Vice President of Scientific Operations, and Azra Benson, Head of Global Sales.  

Since its inception, Virica Biotech has successfully raised over $20 million in financing from investments and other sources. This influx of capital has enabled the company to accelerate its research and development efforts, scale its operations, and expand its market presence globally. 

Invest Ottawa has been a pivotal partner in Virica Biotech’s journey, providing invaluable advisors, resources, and networking opportunities. The accelerator program has enabled Virica Biotech to refine its business model, enhance its strategic planning, and connect with key industry stakeholders. 

“Virica Biotech is a shining example of the incredible life sciences innovation taking place right here in Canada’s Capital,” said Megan Maltby, Senior Manager, Accelerator Programs & Investor Relations at Invest Ottawa. “I can still remember meeting the Virica team back in 2019 and I’ve been blown away by their rapid growth. Virica has been focused and strategic, has utilized advice and resources effectively, and has proactively given back to the Ottawa startup community. We are excited to see Virica Biotech continue to thrive as a Venture Path client company and make significant contributions to the biotech industry.” 

As Virica Biotech transitions into the IO ScaleUp program, the company is poised for continued success. With plans to expand its product offerings, enter new markets, and further its mission to enhance viral production processes, Virica Biotech is well-positioned to lead the industry and drive significant advancements in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. 


About Virica Biotech: 

Virica Biotech is at the forefront of developing viral enhancement solutions that optimize the production of viral vectors used in vaccines and gene therapies. Founded on pioneering research, Virica’s technology addresses the critical challenges of viral manufacturing, ensuring higher yields, greater consistency, and reduced costs for biopharmaceutical companies. 


About Invest Ottawa 

Invest Ottawa is the lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital Region, facilitating economic growth and job creation in Ottawa. Guided by a vision to help realize Ottawa’s full potential as a globally recognized, innovative, inclusive, and future-ready city, Invest Ottawa delivers venture development, global expansion and talent programs and services that catalyze the growth and success of entrepreneurs and firms. These include small business training, mentorship, acceleration for technology firms, foreign business and investment attraction, local business retention and expansion in targeted sectors, commercialization and marketing Ottawa’s diversified economy and high quality of life. Invest Ottawa is also the manager of Bayview Yards, Ottawa’s innovation hub and one-stop business acceleration shop, and founder and operator of Area X.O, the R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy, and connectivity technologies. Since 2013, Invest Ottawa has supported almost 14,000 companies, contributed to the creation of more than 14,700 jobs, helped domestic companies raise $1.86 billion in capital and attracted $1.47 billion in domestic and foreign direct investment to Ottawa.  


About IO Accelerator  

The IO Accelerator is designed to rapidly and systematically accelerate the development and commercial success of high growth technology startups. In a phased and milestone-based approach, founders push themselves over 12 to 18 months to create a scalable and globally competitive technology company. Companies receive 10 hours of advisory services per month from experts in a variety of management fields, guidance and introductions to investors, curated market research, as well as access to the IO Accelerator co-working space and startup community and Bayview Yards operated by Invest Ottawa. The IO Accelerator has seen 11 graduates since 2018: Rewind, Knak, Relogix, Rvezy, GoFor, Noibu, Growcer, Fellow, Spiderwort, Trualta, and Virica Biotech.   


About IO ScaleUp     

Designed for high-potential product-based technology firms, IO ScaleUp provides advisory services, networks and programming to help overcome three key challenges to rapid growth and market success – customers, revenue and talent. 

The platform is jointly delivered by Invest Ottawa, Communitech, and MaRs Discovery District to help scale-up firms rapidly scale revenues or teams and increase their potential of becoming $100 million companies.  Learn more about IO ScaleUp. 


Media Contact: 

Patrick Kenny 

Senior Director, Marketing and Communications 

Invest Ottawa 

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 613-724-7160 

Jun 10, 2024

Economic Development Trailblazer to Lead Invest Ottawa’s Future and Collaborative Impact

June 10, 2024 – Ottawa, ON: Invest Ottawa, the lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital, is delighted to announce the selection of Sonya Shorey as its new President and CEO. Shorey, an economic development trailblazer with more than 25 years of leadership in technology, entrepreneurship and investment, was selected following a comprehensive search by Boyden Canada. She is the first woman executive to take the helm of Invest Ottawa.

Throughout her career, Shorey has successfully spearheaded more than $300 million in public-private funding, including more than $100 million with Invest Ottawa and regional partners. Her strategic acumen and passion for economic growth have been instrumental in creating new opportunities for founders and companies across the region, and Ottawa as an inclusive global tech, innovation and business hub.

She has demonstrated exceptional leadership in her prior role as Invest Ottawa’s Vice President of Strategy, Marketing, and Communications. Her strategic vision was pivotal in developing the organization’s Women Founders and Owners Strategy; the Pan-Ontario ScaleUp Platform, which helps accelerate the growth of scaling firms on their path to $100M in annual revenue; Bayview Yards, Ottawa’s innovation hub; and Area X.O, the R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility. She is also a co-founder of SheBoot, a national non-profit that helps women founders secure capital to grow, scale and compete globally.

Prior to Invest Ottawa, Shorey founded a successful consulting firm that addressed the corporate strategy, operational, and investment needs of dozens of accelerators, innovation hubs, entrepreneurship and economic development organizations across Canada and their global partners. A Carleton graduate, she also held previous leadership roles in tech with Calian, Nortel Networks and CMC Microsystems.

Her commitment to fostering an inclusive culture of belonging is at the heart of her governance and volunteer activities. This includes her service as a Director of the Board for SheBoot, the Royal Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research, Women in Automotive Tech, Mindtrust, and Elevate International.

“I am honoured to serve as the President and CEO and am deeply committed to fuelling and fulfilling Ottawa’s economic potential, competitive advantage, and impact,” said Shorey. “I am excited to collaborate with our team, clients, funders and partners, and help founders and companies across our region to pursue big dreams, solve big challenges, and win globally. Together, we will create the jobs, economy and community of our future, and drive triple-bottom line opportunities and prosperity for generations to come.”

“Sonya’s extensive experience and steadfast commitment to our community make her an ideal leader to guide Invest Ottawa’s next chapter. She is tireless in her efforts to drive entrepreneurship, investment and economic growth in our region. Her vision and commitment to collaboration are invaluable as we strive to create new economic opportunities and impact in every corner of our city. I am excited about the future under her leadership,” said Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, Co-Chair of the Board of Invest Ottawa.

“Sonya brings a proven track record of performance, leadership and mission-driven impact. She is an ideal leader to steer Invest Ottawa through its next phase of development with our community,” said Adam Miron, Co-Chair of Invest Ottawa. “As Interim CEO, her leadership yielded impressive results, surpassing key fiscal targets for job creation, new investment, and revenue generation. Choosing a CEO is one of the most important decisions a Board undertakes. I am confident we have selected the best leader for this role.”

Shorey succeeds Michael Tremblay, who served as President and CEO of Invest Ottawa for seven years

About Invest Ottawa

Invest Ottawa is the lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital Region, facilitating economic growth and job creation in Ottawa. Guided by a vision to help realize Ottawa’s full potential as a globally recognized, innovative, inclusive, and future-ready city, Invest Ottawa delivers venture development, global expansion and talent programs and services that catalyze the growth and success of entrepreneurs and firms. These include small business training, mentorship, acceleration for technology firms, foreign business and investment attraction, local business retention and expansion in targeted sectors, commercialization and marketing Ottawa’s diversified economy and high quality of life. Invest Ottawa is also the manager of Bayview Yards, Ottawa’s innovation hub and one-stop business acceleration shop, and founder and operator of Area X.O, the R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy, and connectivity technologies. Since 2013, Invest Ottawa has supported almost 14,000 companies, contributed to the creation of more than 14,700 jobs, helped domestic companies raise $1.86 billion in capital and attracted $1.47 billion in domestic and foreign direct investment to Ottawa.

Posted in News, Press Releases
By: Lindsay Kavanagh | May 16, 2024

Algonquin College and Area X.O operated by Invest Ottawa logos

OTTAWA, le 16 mai 2024 — Investir Ottawa, principale agence de développement économique dans le secteur du savoir, et le Collège Algonquin annoncent aujourd’hui un partenariat stratégique qui dynamisera l’innovation agricole ainsi que les activités scientifiques et de recherche à la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa. Cette installation, située dans la Zone X.O, est propulsée par AgExpert, le système de gestion intégrale des fermes de Financement agricole Canada (FAC). Fondé sur des objectifs communs, ce partenariat soutiendra directement la R.-D. en agrotechnologie menée par des chercheurs, des entreprises et des producteurs, ce qui facilitera l’adoption de nouvelles solutions et maximisera leurs retombées positives sur les agriculteurs. Ces innovations amélioreront la viabilité, la rentabilité et la productivité des producteurs et renforceront, par le fait même, notre secteur agricole.

Cette collaboration, qui tire parti de l’expertise et des ressources des deux partenaires, est le moteur de l’évolution continue de la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, une initiative d’Investir Ottawa et de la Ville d’Ottawa, avec le soutien crucial de Financement agricole Canada (FAC).

« Nous sommes très heureux de ce nouveau partenariat, a déclaré Claude Brulé, président et chef de la direction du Collège Algonquin. C’est une excellente occasion pour nous de mettre notre expertise au service d’une importante industrie locale dans un contexte de collaboration constructive et ainsi d’offrir une expérience unique à nos étudiants. Nous sommes impatients de faire équipe avec Investir Ottawa et la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, propulsée par AgExpert, pour apporter des changements et des améliorations concrètes dans les domaines de la science et de la recherche agricoles. »

Le partenariat avec le Collège Algonquin exploitera les capacités de la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, propulsée par AgExpert, et étendra les activités de R.-D. menées à la ferme.

« C’est un honneur de collaborer avec le Collège Algonquin pour atteindre nos objectifs communs à la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, propulsée par AgExpert, a déclaré Sonya Shorey, présidente par intérim et cheffe de la direction d’Investir Ottawa. En misant sur les talents exceptionnels du Collège dans le domaine de la recherche, sur son expertise en sciences agricoles et sur ses solides relations avec les producteurs locaux et l’industrie, nous favoriserons les découvertes et la recherche de solutions novatrices en agrotechnologie. Cette collaboration stimulera le développement, la commercialisation et l’application de nouvelles technologies susceptibles d’accroître la productivité, la rentabilité et la viabilité à long terme des producteurs, tout en renforçant la compétitivité du secteur agricole et agroalimentaire canadien. »

Le Collège Algonquin apporte une expertise en matière de recherche appliquée et de sciences agricoles qui sera déterminante pour le succès du programme, en proposant des solutions pratiques aux défis quotidiens, en répondant aux enjeux actuels, en développant des produits et des services novateurs, et en générant des résultats avant-gardistes.

En collaboration avec le programme en agroentreprise du campus du Collège à Perth et avec le bureau de recherche appliquée, deux spécialistes se consacreront à cette initiative : un conseiller agricole agréé (agronome) et un chef d’entreprise agricole. Ils joueront un rôle essentiel dans le programme, en assumant un large éventail de responsabilités, notamment la recommandation de cultures, de semences, d’engrais, d’amendements du sol et d’autres intrants, le dépistage des ravageurs et des maladies dans les cultures et l’apport d’un soutien essentiel aux chercheurs pour qu’ils puissent atteindre leurs objectifs de recherche ou de projet. Ces tâches s’ajouteront à l’intégration de technologies dans l’élaboration de nouvelles méthodes de travail, comme les tracteurs autonomes, les drones pour la surveillance des cultures et l’intelligence artificielle pour prédire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et les rendements des cultures.

Grâce au soutien essentiel de la Ville d’Ottawa et de FAC, Investir Ottawa a mis en place des capacités uniques à la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, propulsée par AgExpert. L’une des quatre fermes intelligentes du réseau national de FAC, ce site de R.-D. offre aux producteurs, aux innovateurs et aux entreprises un accès privilégié aux technologies, aux ressources et à l’expertise de pointe, dont :

  • l’un des systèmes d’essai de communications les plus avancés au monde;
  • des technologies d’intelligence artificielle et d’analyse de données de pointe;
  • des terres agricoles et une zone de démonstration sur un terrain de 100 acres sécurisé et clôturé;
  • la plus forte concentration de talents en technologie par habitant en Amérique du Nord.

Ses capacités encouragent l’adoption de l’agriculture intelligente et la prise de décision axée sur les données, stimulant la productivité, la performance et la rentabilité des producteurs. De plus, ces ressources contribuent à :

  • accélérer le développement, la commercialisation et la mise en œuvre de nouvelles technologies agroalimentaires;
  • ouvrir de nouveaux marchés mondiaux aux innovateurs, aux entreprises en démarrage et aux entreprises du secteur de l’agrotechnologie;
  • promouvoir la création de produits, d’entreprises et d’emplois dans le secteur agroalimentaire à Ottawa.

Ce partenariat renforcera le soutien aux chercheurs, aux entrepreneurs et aux producteurs, contribuant ainsi à la réalisation des objectifs et des priorités de développement durable à l’échelle locale, nationale et mondiale, comme la salubrité et la sécurité alimentaires, et les changements climatiques. Cette approche collaborative encouragera la multiplication des initiatives de recherche, le soutien aux entrepreneurs locaux et l’amélioration des contributions au développement durable et à la gestion de l’environnement.

À propos de la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, propulsée par AgExpert

Implantée à Zone X.O en 2020 grâce à l’initiative conjointe d’Investir Ottawa et de la Ville d’Ottawa, la ferme intelligente d’Ottawa, propulsée par AgExpert, donne les moyens aux innovateurs et aux entreprises de développer, de mettre à l’essai, de démontrer et de commercialiser de nouvelles technologies agricoles. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve les tracteurs autonomes, les drones et la robotique avancée, l’Internet des objets, les capteurs et l’analyse de données, les communications avancées et d’autres technologies connexes. Ces solutions offrent aux producteurs la possibilité d’améliorer le rendement et la qualité de leurs cultures, d’optimiser les coûts de production, de réduire les déchets et les émissions de carbone de leur exploitation, de rehausser la sécurité et la salubrité alimentaires, et d’améliorer la gestion, le rendement et la productivité des fermes. Pour en savoir plus, visitez

À propos d’Investir Ottawa

Investir Ottawa est la principale agence de développement dans le secteur du savoir dans la région de la capitale du Canada. Ses missions : la croissance économique et la création d’emplois. Pour contribuer à faire d’Ottawa une ville innovante, inclusive, tournée vers l’avenir et reconnue mondialement, l’agence fournit aux entrepreneurs de nombreux programmes et services sur le développement d’entreprises, l’expansion internationale et les talents afin de donner une impulsion aux projets d’affaires et aux entrepreneurs locaux, ce qui favorisera leur essor. Ces programmes et services comprennent notamment de la formation axée sur les petites entreprises, du mentorat, le développement d’entreprises de technologie, l’attraction d’entreprises et d’investissements étrangers, le renforcement et l’expansion d’entreprises locales dans des secteurs ciblés, la commercialisation, et la promotion de la diversité économique et de la qualité de vie à Ottawa. Investir Ottawa administre aussi les cours Bayview, qui sont le carrefour d’innovation et le guichet unique pour l’accélération d’entreprises à Ottawa, en plus d’avoir fondé et d’exploiter Zone X.O, un complexe de R.-D. axé sur la mobilité, l’autonomie et la connectivité intelligentes. Depuis 2013, l’agence a offert son soutien à près de 14 000 entreprises, participant à la création de plus de 14 700 emplois, aidant les entreprises locales à mobiliser 1,86 milliard de dollars en capitaux, et attirant à Ottawa plus de 1,47 milliard de dollars en investissements directs intérieurs et étrangers.

À propos de Collège Algonquin

La mission du Collège Algonquin d’arts appliqués et de technologie est de transformer les espoirs et les rêves en succès durables. Ce collège polytechnique public ontarien s’acquitte de cette mission en proposant plus de 250 programmes axés sur l’apprentissage pratique, connecté numériquement et fondé sur l’expérience. Il constitue le plus important institut polytechnique de l’Est de l’Ontario, avec des campus à Ottawa, à Perth et à Pembroke ainsi qu’une présence en ligne.

À propos de Zone X.O

Complexe de R.-D. dans la capitale du Canada, Zone X.O accélère le développement, la mise à l’essai et l’adoption sécuritaires de technologies de prochaine génération axées sur la mobilité intelligente, l’autonomie et la connectivité. Zone X.O offre aux entreprises en démarrage, aux PME, aux multinationales et aux gouvernements une plateforme pour développer des solutions à des enjeux planétaires et les commercialiser rapidement. Combinant diverses expertises aux forces vives des pôles technologiques en télécommunications et cybersécurité d’Ottawa et exploitant l’infrastructure de communications la plus avancée au monde, Zone X.O est le seul complexe de R.-D. quatre saisons dotée d’un circuit de test véhicule à tout (V2X) public-privé sur rue en Amérique du Nord. Elle stimule la création, la commercialisation et l’adoption d’innovations majeures en mobilité intelligente. Les technologies qui y sont développées profitent à nos communautés, à notre économie et à l’environnement et trouvent application dans les domaines des télécommunications, de l’agriculture intelligente, de la défense, de la sécurité, de la sécurité publique, des véhicules aériens sans pilote et des villes intelligentes. Établie et gérée par Investir Ottawa, Zone X.O reçoit le soutien essentiel de partenaires fondateurs de classe mondiale, dont : le gouvernement du Canada (par l’intermédiaire de FedDev Ontario), le gouvernement de l’Ontario (par l’intermédiaire du Réseau ontarien d’innovation pour les véhicules [ROIV] géré par le Centre d’innovation de l’Ontario), la Ville d’Ottawa, Accenture, BlackBerry QNX, Ericsson, Microsoft, Nokia et les établissements postsecondaires d’Ottawa.

Relations avec les médias

Collège Algonquin
Sara-Lynne Levine
Agente de communications
[email protected]
613 614-1769

Investir Ottawa
Patrick Kenny
Directeur principal, Marketing et communications
[email protected]
613 724-7160

Posted in News, Press Releases
May 16, 2024

Algonquin College and Area X.O operated by Invest Ottawa logos

OTTAWA, May 16, 2024 — Invest Ottawa, lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries, and Algonquin College, today announced a strategic partnership that will enable new agricultural innovation, research and science at the Ottawa Smart Farm powered by AgExpert (Farm Credit Canada’s whole farm management system), located at Area X.O. Building on shared goals, this new partnership will directly support agtech R&D led by researchers, companies and producers, helping to fuel the future adoption of new solutions and their impact on farmers. These emerging innovations will further increase the sustainability, profitability and productivity of producers, and our agriculture sector as a whole.

Harnessing the collective expertise and resources of both partners, this collaboration drives the continued evolution of the Ottawa Smart Farm, established by Invest Ottawa and the City of Ottawa, with critical support from Farm Credit Canada (FCC).

“We are extremely excited about this new partnership,” said Claude Brulé, Algonquin College President, and CEO. “This is a unique opportunity to share our expertise with an important local industry while also collaborating in a meaningful way that will offer a unique experience to our students. We look forward to teaming up with Invest Ottawa and the Ottawa Smart Farm, powered by AgExpert to bring about real changes and improvements in agricultural science and research.”

The partnership with Algonquin College will build upon the capabilities at the Ottawa Smart Farm, powered by AgExpert, and further expand the R&D undertaken at the agtech smart farm.

“It is an honour to collaborate with Algonquin College on our shared objectives at the Ottawa Smart Farm powered by AgExpert,” said Sonya Shorey, Interim President, and CEO, Invest Ottawa. “Leveraging Algonquin’s exceptional research talent, agricultural science expertise and strong local producer and industry relationships, we will fuel new agtech discoveries and solutions. This will directly support the development, commercialization and application of new technologies that can help increase the productivity, profitability and long-term sustainability of producers and fuel the competitiveness of Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.”

Algonquin College’s expertise in applied research and agricultural science will make a significant contribution to the program’s success, providing practical solutions to everyday issues, addressing modern challenges and creating new and innovative products, services, and results.

In conjunction with the Business-Agriculture program at Algonquin College’s Perth Campus and the Office of Applied Research, two specialists will be dedicated to the initiative, including a certified crop advisor (agronomist) and an agri-business leader. These specialists will play integral roles in the program, undertaking a wide range of responsibilities including recommending crops, seeds, fertilizer, soil amendments and other inputs, scouting crops for pests and diseases and providing essential support to researchers to meet research or project objectives. This will be in addition to incorporating technology to develop new ways of working, including autonomous tractors, drones to monitor crops and AI to predict greenhouse gas emissions and crop yields.

Leveraging critical support from the City of Ottawa and FCC, Invest Ottawa has established unique capabilities at the Ottawa Smart Farm powered by AgExpert. One of only four anchor smart farms in FCC’s national network, the R&D site provides producers, innovators, and firms with access to leading technologies, resources, and expertise, including:

  • one of the world’s most advanced communications test systems;
  • state-of-the-art AI and data analytic technologies;
  • 100 acres of secure, completely gated farmland and demonstration area; and
  • the highest concentration of tech talent per capita in North America (CBRE).

These capabilities empower smart agriculture and data-driven decision-making, boosting the productivity, performance and profitability of producers. These resources help to:

  • accelerate the development, commercialization, and application of new agtech solutions;
  • catalyze fresh global market opportunities for agtech innovators, startups, and companies; and foster the creation of new agtech products, companies, and jobs in the nation’s capital.

The partnership will provide greater support for researchers, entrepreneurs and producers, and further contribute to local, national and global sustainability goals and priorities such as food safety, security and climate change. This collaborative approach will facilitate the expansion of research initiatives, support for local entrepreneurs and enhancement of contributions to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

About the Ottawa Smart Farm Powered by AgExpert
Established by Invest Ottawa and the City of Ottawa at Area X.O in 2020, the Ottawa Smart Farm powered by AgExpert empowers producers and innovators to create, test, demonstrate, and commercialize new agricultural technologies. These include autonomous tractors, drones and advanced robotics, the Internet of Things, sensors and data analytics, and advanced communications, and other related technologies. These emerging solutions can help producers improve crop yield and quality, optimize production efficiency and costs, reduce waste and carbon emissions from agricultural operations, enhance food safety and security, and strengthen overall farm management, performance, and productivity. For additional information, please visit:

About Invest Ottawa
Invest Ottawa is the lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital Region, facilitating economic growth and job creation in Ottawa. Guided by a vision to help realize Ottawa’s full potential as a globally recognized, innovative, inclusive, and future-ready city, Invest Ottawa delivers venture development, global expansion and talent programs and services that catalyze the growth and success of entrepreneurs and firms. These include small business training, mentorship, acceleration for technology firms, foreign business and investment attraction, local business retention and expansion in targeted sectors, commercialization and marketing Ottawa’s diversified economy and high quality of life. Invest Ottawa is also the manager of Bayview Yards, Ottawa’s innovation hub and one-stop business acceleration shop, and founder and operator of Area X.O, the R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy, and connectivity technologies. Since 2013, Invest Ottawa has supported almost 14,000 companies, contributed to the creation of more than 14,700 jobs, helped domestic companies raise $1.86 billion in capital and attracted $1.47 billion in domestic and foreign direct investment to Ottawa.

About Algonquin College
The mission of Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology is to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success. Algonquin College, an Ontario public sector polytechnic college, does this by offering hands-on, digitally connected, experiential learning in more than 250 programs. Algonquin College is the largest polytechnic institute in Eastern Ontario, with campuses in Ottawa, Perth, Pembroke and AC Online.

About Area X.O
Area X.O is the R&D complex in Canada’s Capital that enables and accelerates the safe and secure development, testing, and adoption of next-generation smart mobility, autonomy, and connectivity technologies. Area X.O helps startups, SMEs, multinationals, and governments address grand challenges and opportunities, and get to market faster. Combining diverse expertise with Ottawa’s telecom and cybersecurity strengths as a global tech hub and operating one of the most advanced communications infrastructures in the world, it is the only all-weather R&D complex of its kind in North America with a private and public Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) test facility on city streets that fuels the creation, commercialization, and adoption of breakthrough smart mobility innovations. These applications benefit our community, economy, and environment, and span: telecom, smart agriculture, defence, security, and public safety; unmanned aerial vehicles, and smart cities. Established and managed by Invest Ottawa, Area X.O leverages critical support from world-class founding partners, including: the Government of Canada (through FedDev Ontario), the Government of Ontario (through the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network managed by the Ontario Centre of Innovation), the City of Ottawa, Accenture, BlackBerry QNX, Ericsson, Microsoft, Nokia, and Ottawa’s post-secondary institutions.

Media Contacts
For more information, media are invited to contact:

Algonquin College
Sara-Lynne Levine
Communications Officer
[email protected]

Invest Ottawa
Patrick Kenny
Senior Director of Marketing and Communications
[email protected]

Posted in News, Press Releases
Mar 14, 2024

Area X.O logo and Invest Ottawa logo.

NATO Collaboration Will Fuel New Global Opportunity and Impact in Canada’s Capital, a Global Tech Hub  

Ottawa, Ontario – March 14, 2024: Area X.O, the R&D complex operated by Invest Ottawa that accelerates the safe development, testing and adoption of next-gen smart mobility, autonomy and connectivity technologies, is honoured to announce its selection as one of 13 NATO Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) test centres in Canada. This will enable Area X.O, its clients and partners: 

  • Help NATO-endorsed innovators and firms test, validate and commercialize promising next-gen technologies, and safely get to market faster;
  • Address global defence challenges and markets by leveraging Area X.O’s unique capabilities and expertise as a certified Public Research Institution under Canada’s Industrial Technology Benefits (ITB) Policy; and
  • Contribute to the long-term protection of one billion citizens in 32 NATO nations.  

NATO DIANA is a global network that will help facilitate cooperation between military operators and the Alliance’s best and brightest start-ups, scientific researchers, and technology companies to help the Alliance maintain its technological edge. Today, NATO leaders in Brussels announced the expansion of this network in Canada, selecting three additional Ottawa-based test centres alongside Area X.O. These include three labs of the National Research Council Canada (NRC), including the Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre; the Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering facility; and the Digital Technologies Research Centre.  

With four selected facilities, Ottawa is home to the largest cluster of NATO DIANA test centres in the country. This further positions Canada’s capital as a global technology hub with unparalleled innovation capabilities, expertise and companies in defence, public safety, and security. 

NATO DIANA focuses on deep tech and dual-use technologies with both civilian and military uses. Through competitive challenges, selected innovators can receive grant funding, acceleration advice, and access to the associated network of accelerators and test centres such as Area X.O and NRC. As DIANA is operationalized over the coming year, these test centres will create opportunities to: 

  • Attract new global R&D, business, talent and investment to Canada’s Capital; 
  • Facilitate collaboration on emerging technologies with local, national and global innovators and firms to help solve NATO’s defence and security challenges; and 
  • Accelerate homegrown technology commercialization and adoption. 

It will also further strengthen Ottawa’s defence, public safety and security ecosystem. Canada’s Capital is home to headquarters for government departments such as the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI); 300+ companies including CAE, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Thales, Raytheon, and a vibrant ecosystem of startups, scaleups and SMEs; 65 government labs, Kanata North, Canada’s largest technology park, and world-leading post-secondary institutions. This ecosystem is poised to benefit from the collaboration, innovation, and global exposure afforded by this prestigious NATO DIANA designation. 

“Canada is a hub for defence innovation – and Canadian innovators have a great deal to offer our NATO Allies. Today, I congratulate all the Canadian accelerators and test centres for being selected to join NATO’s defence innovation network. The integration of our domestic experts with NATO’s network will strengthen our capacity to develop cutting-edge solutions to the security challenges faced by Canada and our NATO allies.”  

  • The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence 

“It is an honour for Area X.O to be selected as a NATO DIANA Test Centre. Since 2020, Area X.O has served 1,000+ innovators and companies, including many in defence, public safety and security. Leveraging decades of expertise and capability as a global tech hub, we look forward to facilitating international collaboration and local economic impact through DIANA. This includes the development of new IP, the commercialization of new technologies, and the attraction of new R&D, talent, business and investment to our region.” 

  • Sonya Shorey, Interim President and CEO, Invest Ottawa 

“The selection of Area X.O and three NRC labs as NATO DIANA test centres is a testament to Ottawa’s leadership in defence and security innovation. This global recognition will help drive new business to local companies, accelerate the development and adoption of cutting-edge Ottawa technologies, and create future jobs that fuel our long-term economic growth.”  

  • Mark Sutcliffe, Mayor of Ottawa and Co-Chair of Invest Ottawa 

“Ottawa is more than the nation’s capital. Anchored by the top tech talent concentration in North America, it is a global epicentre for technological and defence innovation. The selection of Area X.O and three NRC labs as DIANA test centres reinforces our commitment to fostering innovation collaboration among tech entrepreneurs, researchers, and defence experts in Canada’s Capital.”  

  • Adam Miron, Co-Chair of Invest Ottawa 

“This is a milestone achievement for Ottawa and Canada. Together with the clients it serves, Area X.O will help deliver the mission of NATO DIANA and address some of the world’s most pressing defence and security challenges. This strengthens Ottawa’s contribution to defence markets and underscores the vital role of our city in shaping the future of global security and technology.” 

  • France Hébert, Vice President and General Manager, Defence & Security Canada, CAE; Vice-Chair of Invest Ottawa 

“The National Research Council of Canada is part of a vibrant innovation community in our nation’s capital.  We are pleased to see a strong presence of NATO test centres in Ottawa where research and innovation are coming together to deliver solutions for defence and security challenges.” 

  • Mitch Davies, President, National Research Council of Canada 

“The designation of Area X.O as a NATO DIANA test centre is a game-changer for defence startups like AirShare. We leverage the unique expertise and capabilities of Area X.O for R&D, testing, validation and demonstration. As a newly minted NATO DIANA Test Centre, we will have facilitated access to this global network, including prospective customers, talent and collaborators. It will also help us to identify new global markets and revenue streams that propel our growth.” 

  • Shanaz Sigouin, Co-founder and Chief Administration Officer at AirShare, Inc. 


About Ottawa – A Global Tech Hub 

In the heart of Canada lies a powerhouse of innovation—Ottawa, Canada’s Capital. Here, tech talent is in our DNA. We have North America’s highest tech talent concentration at 13.3%. Our innovation playground? It’s vast and diverse, with 94,000 tech founders and titans, and 1,800+ companies creating solutions that impact our lives. Our strengths span software, AI, machine learning, smart mobility, cyber, 5G, digital health and more. Global giants like Nokia, Ericsson, CAE, Lockheed Martin, and Thales share our streets with two of Canada’s top unicorns and publicly traded tech companies Kinaxis and Shopify; fellow homegrown heroes like Ross Video, Fullscript and Mitel; and startups and scaleups like Assent, Solink, and MindBridge.  

Home to world-class post-secondary institutions and 168,000 students, including 28,000+ STEM pioneers, we are Canada’s most educated city. With Kanata North Tech Park, the largest in the country; 65 government labs; 130 embassies; and our unrivalled quality of life, we aren’t simply Canada’s Capital. We are a global tech capital. And our true magic lies in our diverse, collaborative community. 

Join us in Ottawa. We’re not just imagining our future—we’re building it.   

About Area X.O 

Area X.O is the R&D complex in Canada’s Capital that enables and accelerates the safe and secure development, testing, and adoption of next-generation smart mobility, autonomy, and connectivity technologies. Area X.O helps startups, SMEs, multinationals, and governments address grand challenges and opportunities, and get to market faster. Combining diverse expertise with Ottawa’s telecom and cybersecurity strengths as a global tech hub and operating one of the most advanced communications infrastructures in the world, it is the only all-weather R&D complex of its kind in North America with a private and public Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) test facility on city streets that fuels the creation, commercialization, and adoption of breakthrough smart mobility innovations. These applications benefit our community, economy, and environment, and span: telecom, smart agriculture, defence, security, and public safety; unmanned aerial vehicles, and smart cities. Established and managed by Invest Ottawa, Area X.O leverages critical support from world-class founding partners, including: the Government of Canada (through FedDev Ontario), the Government of Ontario (through the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network managed by the Ontario Centre of Innovation), the City of Ottawa, Accenture, BlackBerry QNX, Ericsson, Microsoft, Nokia, and Ottawa’s post-secondary institutions.    

About Invest Ottawa 

Invest Ottawa is the lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital, facilitating economic growth and job creation in Ottawa. Guided by a vision to help realize Ottawa’s full potential as a globally recognized, innovative, inclusive, and future-ready city, Invest Ottawa delivers venture development, global expansion, and talent programs and services that catalyze the growth and success of entrepreneurs and firms. These include small business training, mentorship, acceleration for technology firms, foreign business and investment attraction, local business retention and expansion in targeted sectors, commercialization, and marketing Ottawa’s diversified economy and high quality of life.  Invest Ottawa is also the manager of Bayview Yards, Ottawa’s innovation hub and one-stop business acceleration shop; and founder and operator of Area X.O, the R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy and connectivity technologies. Since 2013, Invest Ottawa has supported almost 14,000; contributed to the creation of more than 14,700 jobs; helped domestic companies raise $1.86 billion in capital; and attracted $1.47 billion in domestic and foreign direct investment to Ottawa.    

For more information, contact:  

Sonya Shorey 

Interim President and CEO, Invest Ottawa 


[email protected]   

Dec 12, 2023

At Invest Ottawa, we are committed to a continuous journey of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I).

Recognizing that the richness of diverse perspectives is integral to innovation and growth, we actively seek out opportunities to evaluate, learn, and practice ways to be better allies. And this mission extends beyond mere acknowledgment; it requires deliberate and consistent action to support our underrepresented communities.

As a leading economic development agency, our mandate is not only to foster business growth. We also set out to cultivate an environment where all individuals, regardless of gender identity or expression, feel valued and empowered.

By embedding DE&I principles at the very core of our activities, we aim to drive meaningful change, both within our team and the broader community we serve. Our dedication to this critical goal is unwavering, as we believe it is crucial and fundamental to creating a thriving, inclusive, and innovative economic landscape.

Following November’s Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance, we wanted to share our learnings on these days of awareness and what it means to be a trans-inclusive workplace, along with language and terms used within the transgender community, and 2SLGBTQIA+-friendly businesses you can support.


History of Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance both serve as reminders of the struggles and resilience within the transgender community.

Initiated in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the Transgender Day of Remembrance commemorates the life of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was tragically murdered in 1998. This day, observed annually on November 20th, extends into a week of awareness, aiming to highlight the continued violence and discrimination faced by transgender and gender-non-conforming individuals.

Historically, this community has been disproportionately affected by violence, with countless unreported or misreported cases further obscuring the true extent of this crisis. This week in November not only honours the memory of those lost, but also fosters a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the transgender community, emphasizing the urgent need for change.


Inclusion in the Workplace

Inclusion of transgender and gender-non-conforming individuals in the workplace is not just a moral imperative, it’s also key to fostering a diverse and innovative work environment. Recognizing and supporting gender diversity promotes a more inclusive, respectful, and productive workplace.

“Diversity is a fact, but inclusion is a choice we make every day. As leaders, we have to put out the message that we embrace and not just tolerate diversity.”

–Nellie Borrero (Managing Director, Senior Strategic Advisor – Global Inclusion & Diversity at Accenture)

In today’s rapidly evolving society, the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the workplace, especially regarding diversity and inclusivity, cannot be overstated. As we strive to create more inclusive environments, it’s crucial that organizations keep pace with the evolving understanding of gender identities and expressions.

Embracing this journey of learning not only fosters a culture of respect and empathy but also ensures that every individual feels safe, valued, and empowered.

Here are some strategies for fostering transgender inclusion in the workplace:

  • Implement Comprehensive Non-Discrimination Policies: Establish clear policies that explicitly include gender identity and expression, ensuring a safe and respectful workplace for all employees.
  • Provide Gender-Neutral Restrooms: Offer gender-neutral restroom facilities and allow individuals to use restrooms that align with their gender identity, enhancing comfort and safety.
  • Offer Training and Educational Resources: Conduct regular training sessions and provide educational materials to all employees, aimed at building awareness, understanding, and empathy towards transgender and gender-non-conforming colleagues.
  • Support Gender Transition: Demonstrate support for employees undergoing gender transition by offering inclusive healthcare benefits and flexible leave policies. This reflects a deep commitment to employee well-being and respect for their personal journeys.
  • Foster an Inclusive Culture: Actively promote a culture where differences are celebrated and all voices are heard, creating an environment where everyone feels encouraged to contribute their best.


Understanding Transgender Identity

As we navigate the evolving landscape of gender identity, it’s essential to understand the language and terms used within the transgender community.

This glossary offers definitions of key terms, providing a foundation for respectful and informed discussions. Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding and support inclusive dialogue in our community and beyond.

Trans or Transgender: Individuals who are transgender have a gender identity that differs from the gender they were assigned at birth. The term “trans” is commonly used as a shorthand for transgender. This identity is a personal understanding of one’s own gender, which may be male, female, a blend of both, or neither, and is independent of sexual orientation.

Non-Binary: Non-binary refers to a spectrum of gender identities that do not exclusively align with traditional male or female categories. This term encompasses those who may experience their gender identity as lying outside the binary concepts of male and female, or as a fluid interchange among multiple genders, not necessarily tied to the gender assigned at birth.

Gender Non-Conforming: Gender non-conforming individuals do not adhere to societal expectations or norms regarding how they should express their gender, based on the gender assigned to them at birth. This term is inclusive of various ways people express their gender that diverges from traditional gender norms, which can include dress, personal pronouns, behavior, and more.

Genderqueer: This term is used by some individuals who regard their gender identity as outside of, not aligned with, or beyond the binary framework of male and female. Genderqueer people may see themselves as a mixture of genders, as a distinct third gender, or as having a fluid or fluctuating gender identity.

Gender Fluid: Gender fluidity refers to a dynamic mix of male and female. A gender fluid person might feel more like male some days and more female on other days, or perhaps feel that neither term describes them accurately.

Cisgender: A term used to describe individuals whose gender identity aligns with the gender they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who is assigned female at birth and identifies as a woman is cisgender.

Supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ friendly businesses in Ottawa

Ottawa, a city celebrated for its vibrant and inclusive culture, is home to a wonderful array of 2SLGBTQIA+ friendly businesses. From leisurely bike tours to cozy bookshops and elegant dining experiences, here’s a spotlight on some of Ottawa’s finest 2SLGBTQIA+-friendly businesses:

Escape Bicycle Tours: This proudly 2SLGBTQ+-owned and operated tour company offers bike and e-bike tours of the city’s landmarks, history and culture.

Black Squirrel Books: The store regularly hosts events that celebrate queer culture, including readings, workshops and performances.

Milk Shop Ottawa: Celebrating the 2SLGBTQ+ community no matter what month it is, you’ll find local items created by queer artists year-round.

Parlour: This queer-friendly restaurant in the Westboro neighbourhood offers an incredible dining experience.

Vanitea Room: This elegant spot is not only known for its delectable high tea service and menu, but they also host weekly drag dinner shows and a monthly drag brunch show you won’t want to miss out on!

Little Jo Berry’s: A unique and community-focused vegan café, known for its delicious vegan treats and its commitment to creating a safe, inclusive space.

Resource: Ottawa Tourism


For businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to create a more inclusive workplace for transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, a variety of Canadian and international resources are available. Here are some valuable resources to consider:

  1. The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) offers a guide for creating a transgender-inclusive workplace.
  2. Egale Canada is Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQI people and issues, focusing on research, education, and advocacy for human rights and equality.
  3. The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) promotes diversity in gender identity, expression, and romantic/sexual orientation through education, health, and advocacy services.
  4. The Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH) supports the health and well-being of trans and gender-diverse people through a network of healthcare providers.
  5. Peninsula Group Limited provides best practices for transgender inclusion in the workplace.
  6. Pride at Work Canada collaborates with employers to create more inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ2+ individuals, offering various services including workshops and networking events.
  7. The Centre for Social Innovation offers guidance on creating trans-inclusive workplaces, including strategies for both basic accommodations and fully inclusive practices.

Our commitment at Invest Ottawa to fostering an inclusive environment goes beyond policy—it’s about nurturing a culture of empathy, respect, and celebration of diversity in all its forms.

By embracing the richness of varied experiences and identities, we not only enhance our professional spaces —we also enrich our personal lives and the community at large.

Today, and every day, we stand in solidarity with the transgender community, committed to learning, growing, and making Ottawa a beacon of inclusivity and innovation. Let’s continue this important work together, ensuring that every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

Nov 6, 2023

Sonya Shorey Announced as Interim President and CEO of Invest Ottawa

November 6, 2023; Ottawa, ONInvest Ottawa, lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital, today announced that President and CEO Michael Tremblay will step down on November 30, 2023, to join Calian Group Ltd. (TSX: CGY), as President of IT and Cyber Solutions.  Sonya Shorey, Invest Ottawa’s VP of Strategy, Marketing and Communications will serve as Interim President and CEO as the Board initiates a search for a successor.

Since joining in 2017, Michael has significantly increased the impact of the organization on entrepreneurs, companies and Ottawa’s economy, and further established Canada’s Capital as a global tech and business hub. During his tenure, Michael led the establishment and delivery of Invest Ottawa’s five-year strategic plan. Key achievements include the creation of Area X.O, the $51M R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy and connectivity technologies and the ScaleUp Platform which aims to help build more anchor tech companies that generate $100M and grow sustainably in Canada.

“It has been a profound honour to serve at the helm of Invest Ottawa, Bayview Yards, and Area X.O, and help drive job creation and a path to sustained prosperity in Canada’s Capital. As President and CEO, and a board member, I have witnessed the remarkable dedication of our team delivering impactful programs and services in every corner of our community, supporting its many diverse founders and firms,” said Michael Tremblay. “I am very grateful to our Board of Directors, our steadfast government funding partners, dedicated industry sponsors, our many economic development collaborators, and all coaches, mentors, and volunteers. I look forward to watching this great city continue to flourish in the years to come.”

“I want to sincerely congratulate and thank Michael Tremblay for his leadership and commitment over the past seven years at Invest Ottawa. Mike has steered the organization through a time of challenge and opportunity, has elevated Ottawa in the global marketplace, and has positioned us for great success in the future. I want to wish Mike all the best in his new role at Calian, where he will still be a member of Team Ottawa. And I’m very excited to see Sonya Shorey take over as Interim President and CEO of Invest Ottawa. Sonya has been a tremendous leader not just at Invest Ottawa but in our community. Her vision and expertise will be critical in this next period. Thank you Sonya, for taking on this role,” said Mayor Sutcliffe, co-Chair of the Board.

“On behalf of the Invest Ottawa Board of Directors, I would like to extend deep thanks to Michael for his leadership, and many contributions to our economy and community over the last seven years. We are delighted that he will join Calian, a global company headquartered in Ottawa for more than 40 years. We also look forward to collaborating with Sonya and the entire Invest Ottawa team as we chart this important new chapter and initiate the search for a new CEO,” said Adam Miron, Co-Chair of Invest Ottawa.

The Board of Directors is now initiating a search for the next President and CEO of Invest Ottawa. Sonya Shorey will undertake the role of Interim President and CEO through this transition period with the full support of the senior leadership team to ensure continuity during the recruitment process.

Shorey has served as a Vice President of Invest Ottawa, Bayview Yards, and Area X.O since 2017 within her 24 years of leadership with public and private organizations. Since 2005, Sonya has led and contributed to $250M in successful public-private sector multi-year funding proposals, including almost $100M with Invest Ottawa and regional partners for Canada’s Capital and Eastern Ontario. She led the creation of IO’s Women Founders and Owners Strategy and is a Co-Founder and Director of the Board of SheBoot. She also serves as a Director of the Royal Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research and Chair of its Research Committee; Women in Automotive Tech; Mindtrust; and Elevate International.

“Building on Michael’s strong leadership, it is an honour to serve as Interim CEO and collaborate closely with our team, Board and community during this next phase of our evolution. Together, we are creating the jobs, economy and community of the future. Guided by our shared vision and updated strategic plan, we will continue to help founders and companies pursue bold moonshots, drive economic growth and job creation for our region, and achieve impact as a global tech and business hub,” said Sonya Shorey.

Invest Ottawa looks forward to celebrating Michael’s many contributions to our economy and ecosystem in the days ahead.

About Invest Ottawa

Invest Ottawa is the lead economic development agency for knowledge-based industries in Canada’s Capital, facilitating economic growth and job creation in Ottawa. Guided by a vision to help realize Ottawa’s full potential as a globally recognized, innovative, inclusive, and future-ready city, Invest Ottawa delivers venture development, global expansion and talent programs and services that catalyze the growth and success of entrepreneurs and firms. These include small business training, mentorship, acceleration for technology firms, foreign business and investment attraction, local business retention and expansion in targeted sectors, commercialization, and marketing Ottawa’s diversified economy and high quality of life. Invest Ottawa is also the manager of Bayview Yards, Ottawa’s innovation hub and one-stop business acceleration shop, and founder and operator of Area X.O, the R&D complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy and connectivity technologies. Since 2013, Invest Ottawa has supported almost 14,000; contributed to the creation of more than 14,700 jobs; helped domestic companies raise $1.86 billion in capital; and attracted $1.47 billion in domestic and foreign direct investment to Ottawa. Explore Invest Ottawa’s 2022 Economic Impact Report for additional details, or visit